From the loving, engaged portrayals of fathers featured in recent popular movies like “The Descendants,” “Moneyball” and “A Better Life” — all three per...
Honour motivated violence continues to make the headlines -- even here in Canada. We chat with columnist and ideaCity 2011 presenter Barbara Kay about this important topic. It isn’t alway...
Quebec Says ‘Non’ to the Niqab (Pajamas Media May 13, 2010) A Kind and Noble Bigot: Analyzing 850 Years of English Anti-Semitism (Pajamas Media March 20, 2010) Canadian Leaders Standing Ta...
The French are enjoying a debate about their cultural identity. Obviously the word “enjoying” is a euphemism, since the focus of the debate, whether or not to ban the burqa — f...
Hear, O Israel! By David Solway Canadian Values Press (Mantua Books) 181 pages; $25 On September 10, 2001, Canadian David Solway was merely an acclaimed poet, educator, and literary cr...
There is one subject no writer in the world, not even the most talented and eclectic, would hope to have as a book project: the death of his own child. Trouble is, when a child dies, a talented wr...
"A writer is someone for whom writing is more difficult than for other people" - Thomas Mann ...
"A point of view is one's particular angle on the world, one's ways of viewing life that implies a well-considered position on a range of much larger questions than that of the reform of Social Securi...
"The central conservative truth is that it is culture, not politics, that determines the success of a society. The central liberal truth is that politics can change a culture and save it from itself...
"[Liberalism] is an ethos that aims simultaneously at political and social collectivism on the one hand, and moral anarchy on the other.  It cannot win, but it can make us all losers." by I...
"When all is said and done there are just four institutions through which human beings imbue their lives with meaning:  vocation, family, community and faith." - Charles Murray, American Ente...
"Mankind can never get rid of the need for religious self-identification: who am I, where did I come from, where do I fit in, why am I responsible, what does my life mean? how will I face death? ...
An attendee at an academic conference a few years ago was in conversation with a woman who happened to mention a book called Fat is a Feminist Issue. He starts to say, “Can you give me an example......
Thank you for that warm introduction. I am very honoured to have been invited to speak at my graduate studies alma mater and happy that the occasion has allowed me to reconnect with some old friends. ...
Thank you for that warm introduction. I am pleased and honoured to have been asked to speak to the London community tonight on a subject of great importance to all Canadian Jews. If you read my colum...
Barbara Kay e-mail:
The Dumbing-Down of Due Diligence at Canada's Huron College May 11, 2011
September 20, 2008 REAL Women 25th anniversary conference, Ottawa, September 20, 2008 April 2, 2008 A speech delivered in Montreal to the McGill Womens Alumnae Association January 30, 2008 A spe...
“How small of all that human hearts endure/That part which laws or kings can cause or cure." - Samuel Johnson...