Is multilingualism always an unalloyed blessing? May not absolute command of a single language be preferable to mere competence in two or more?Promotions for the new movie, The Interpreter, a thriller...
A federal election is imminent or in prospect. With two parties -- the Bloc Quebecois and the NDP -- mired in a state of permanent opposition, we are left to ponder a choice between Paul Martin and St...
Two years ago, David Ahenakew, former national chief of the Assembly of First Nations, was charged with promoting hatred in a 2002 rant against Jews. His unprovoked denunciations, captured by a report...
'Blonde Bombshell"! "Whore"! "Dipstick"! "Barbie!" The media Belindatron has whirled for days with outrage over sexism against poor Ms. Stronach. Never mind Belinda's opportunistic betrayal of her par...
MONTREAL - The French have just voted non to the EU constitution. Current EU president Jean-Claude Juncker says countries voting No need a second referendum to obtain "the right answer." That ploy can...
Summer reading lists are sprouting in the weekend newspapers. Everything sounds beguiling, so how does one choose? I'm sometimes lucky judging books by their cover. For example, my latest purchase, ir...
Father's Day is meant to celebrate dads. This year, instead of buying them ties or barbecue tools, let's pledge to roll back the ideological campaign aimed at belittling their virtues and achievements...
MONTREAL - Though with their high wrongs I am struck to the quick,Yet with my nobler reason, 'gainst my furyDo I take part: the rarer action isIn virtue than in vengeance..." (The Tempest, Prospero to...
KENNEBUNKPORT, Maine - As Canada Day approaches -- with American Independence Day close on its heels -- I feel distant from Prime Minister Paul Martin and very close to President George Bush. It isn't...
This column, approximately my 100th, marks my second anniversary of weekly contribution to the National Post. Happy contemplation of this milestone was cut short, though, by distressing parallel news ...
The International AIDS Society will meet in Rio de Janeiro later this month. There, senior researcher Bertran Auvert, representing the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research, will an...
MONTREAL - I was startled -- not in a good way -- to learn from political scientist Jean-Sebastien Rioux in a Post op ed last week that a majority of (francophone) callers to a Radio-Canada talk show ...
International competitions like the Tour de France, or the World Aquatic Championships now in progress in Montreal, motivate kids to take up sport. That's good. But over-ambitious parents of talented ...
Lo, how the mighty hath fallen. Can it really be true? I have just read that the Atkins Diet empire has crumbled. They've declared bankruptcy. I imagine all the sugar industry executives in America ar...
At his recent trial, Mohammed Bouyeri, 27, a Dutch citizen of Moroccan descent, who last year ghoulishly assassinated film-maker Theo Van Gogh, coldly addressed the victim's tormented mother: "I don't...
The older I get, the more I feel that whatever I read should educate, edify or elucidate. Only on vacation do I feel justified indulging myself in the "mere" entertainment of detective fiction.I looke...
Have you seen March of the Penguins?The film chronicles Antarctica's Emperor penguins on their multiple annual 70-mile treks from feeding to breeding grounds. They suffer astonishing privations in ord...
There's a convention in column-writing that makes us shrink from mentioning the accomplishments of our op-ed page confreres. None of us wants to come across as a groupie in print. Instead, we send eac...
To earn their keep, all I ever ask of royals or their Canadian surrogates is to make me feel honoured in their presence. I do not take a G-G's measure from the stirring kitsch of an installation speec...
My husband enjoys telling people how he "proposed" marriage to me. Ronny was from Montreal but working in Toronto at the time. It was 1964. I was in my last undergrad year of university. After we'd da...