October is National Anti-Bullying month. As a tragic reminder of the need for  this, we learn that 15-year old Amanda Todd, a former “spunky” cheerleader and Grade 10 student at th...
Every politician hopes that events in the news will serve to maximize public awareness of their policy initiatives. But some news coincidences they would happily forego. Yesterday Minister for Status ...
Canada’s Supreme Court clarified a section of the country’s sex laws Friday, ruling that failure to disclose one’s HIV-positive status to a sexual partner won’t automatically lead to a...
I think we’re going about this abortion debate the wrong way. We all know when life begins in the DNA sense: It begins at conception. The only people who have a bulletproof logical position o...
There are two main categories of women killers, and both types were featured on the front page of the National Post today. One article, “’Burning-bed cases rarer than thought”...
It all began in Grade Seven. My enjoyment of having stories read to me, that is. I suppose it should have begun in early childhood, with bedtime stories. But my parents weren’t ones for prolo...
In the Letters section today, Daniela Lobo of Toronto, responding to my defence of Rona Ambrose’s affirmative vote for Motion 312, which would permit a discussion on when human life begins, p...
I don’t understand militant feminists. They keep saying they want to have more women in politics. You’d think they’d show respect for the minority of women who actually do make it...
I have lived in Montreal for almost 50 years. I arrived as a young bride just when the Front de Libération du Québec (FLQ) was beginning its campaign of terror in the service of an independent Quebe...
Ronald started using drugs at 14, soon falling into a life of crime and ending up in Vancouver’s notorious Downtown Eastside (DTES). At 40, he stopped using. Drug-free for seven years, he now...
Years ago, researching for a column on women in the military, I interviewed a top military historian who approved of women serving in every military role but combat operations. He supported his...
A thought experiment. You’re a jury member in a courtroom trial that will decide whether the defendant – man-made global warming advocacy – is, as it claims to be, a disintere...
I am sure you’re eager for my spontaneous reactions to the U.S. party conventions. Actually, I’m eager to tell you. Close enough. So here goes. Obama’s speech left me totally flat, as has every ...
There used to be a time when beauty contests were only about beauty. Fortunately that all changed, and beauty queens today hold and express confidently strong opinions on how to make the world a be...
Academics I trust assure me the scourge of political correctness in the universities is on the wane. Specifically, I’ve been told by an English literature professor at one Canadian university...
I remember when the vogue for jeans that were strategically ripped at the knee and other places first appeared on upscale women, my perplexed mother could not quite get her head around the fact tha...
With dogs lately in my thoughts, I recently reread some beloved childhood stories: Lad: A Dog, by Albert Payson Terhune, then Jack London’s Call of the Wild and White Fang. London’s...
Four words in the first sentence of an article on the sudden enthusiasm for “birth photography” caught my attention in a big way, after which I found it difficult to focus fully on what fo...
Montreal businessman Peter Sergakis says it’s time to get serious about homelessness. After chasing some “squeegee kids” away from his restaurant, he’s advocating more services...
Apart from fundamentalists and secularists — the former with uncritical reverence, the latter with contempt — who now takes the Bible seriously as a key to our culture’s worldview...