On October 26, the Montreal SPCA and Pit Stop Montreal are celebrating "National Pit Bull Awareness Day."  Pit bulls may seem like an odd topic for a conservative journal, but as...
Death has always preoccupied me. The same questions arise, unbidden, sometimes several times a day: When, where, how will I die? I’m not made gloomy by this tic. It keeps my ego in check....
Now that I’m losing it — my once excellent memory, that is — my brain sometimes lets me down at social events. Last week, at a Toronto book launch, a woman my age approa...
No one in government can use ignorance as an excuse for tolerating Canada’s dysfunctional legal system: Several recent reports have laid the problem bare. Last April, the federal governme...
Can a nation have its culture and eat it too? That, it seems to me, is the question at the heart of the debate over the confusing Charter of Quebec Values. As many commentators — in...
A group of influential Canadian women who are rushing shoulder to shoulder into the cultural breach to remind us that that in our country’s national anthem, someone had blundered! Our ant...
In an interview posted on the Random House website, best-selling author and University of Toronto Literary Studies professor David Gilmour stated that he is “not interested” in teac...
When he was alive, little Jeffrey Baldwin was surrounded by adults. If a single one of them had demonstrated that they cared even a little bit about him, his life could have been saved. T...
The University of Regina has installed two special washing stations for the religiously observant amongst the 800 Muslim students there, who are required to wash both hands and feet before pray...
National character was on full display this week in Britain and France on the issue of self-presentation of women in public. In England Judge Peter Murphy ruled that a Muslim woman defendant co...
A few months ago, I appeared on a French language talk show as part of a diverse panel of politicians, aesthetes and chattering-class types to give our two-cents’ worth on Quebec political is...
In a perfect world, body size wouldn’t matter. We’d be attracted to people for their character alone. Alack and alas, our world is far from perfect. Ours is not a cover-up world eit...
Embarrassed by a “frosh week” gone awry, administrations and student governments at St. Mary’s University in Halifax (SMU) and the University of British Columbia (UBC) have been s...
Of all Canada’s political party leaders, Pauline Marois may well be Canada’s clumsiest communicator. Almost every pronouncement she makes about language and Quebec culture — littl...
When people are accused of a crime, they should be considered innocent until proven guilty. When proven guilty, they should be punished. If they have been falsely accused and their accusers acted i...
  Walk down the endless hot sauce aisle at any kitchen specialty store and you may conclude, along with me, that the whole concept of hot sauce is an intrinsically masculine obsessio...
It’s been many years since anti-Semitic motifs — like cartoons showing money-obsessed Jews lusting after power — have been part of mainstream culture here in North America. Yet in...
Thanks to (literally) thick skin, a Calgary-resident beagle named Arlo will recover from a recentunprovoked attack by two neighbouring pit bulls. The vet bill for stitching up Arlo’s nec...
REAL Women of Canada, an activist group composed of socially conservative women (mainly evangelical Christians), has done admirable work in supporting traditional family values, standing up aga...
As the topic for its popular annual debate last May, the Oxford University Union proposed that “This House believes Islam is a religion of peace.” Considering the venue &mdash...